Варианты зачисления на курс

Course authors: 

Kalmin Oleg Vitalievich, head of the department «Human anatomy»

Bochkareva Irina Vladimirovna, associate professor of the department «Human anatomy»

Kalmin Oleg Olegovich, associate professor of the department «Human anatomy»

Направления подготовки:

31.05.01, 31.05.03

Длительность курса в неделях: 4
Содержание курса:

Topic 1. Structure of a typical vertebra

Topic 2. Structure of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar vertebrae

Topic 3. Structure of the sacrum, sternum, ribs

Topic 4. Structure of the bones of the upper limb: clavicle, scapula, humerus

Topic 5. Structure of the bones of the upper limb: the bones of the forearm and hand

Topic 6. Structure of the bones of the lower limb: pelvic and femoral bones

Topic 7. Structure of the bones of the lower limb: the bones of the lower leg and foot

Формируемые компетенции:

GPC-5: Ability to assess morphofunctional, physiological conditions and pathological processes in the human body to solve professional problems

Результаты обучения:

Knowledge of the structure of individual human bones, their morphological features in postnatal ontogenesis.

Solid knowledge about the structure of the human skeletal system, as the basis for further professional activity. 

Ideas about the principles of the structural and functional unity of the body, its relationship with changing environmental conditions, the influence of environmental, genetic and social factors on the development and structure of the human body. 

Общая трудоёмкость: 4.0
Самостоятельная запись (Студент)